Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bratz are dead

It is a great day cause barbie won. If you don't know what I am talking about it would be the court ruling of barbie vs. Bratz. The case was that the design for Bratz was created by a person that still worked for Mattel. They then took the design to the competing company while still under Mattel employment. Now Bratz must stop making the doll and turn over any existing inventory over to Mattel. There is the possibility the Mattel will continue make and distribute the dolls. I'm hoping they burn them. I'm hoping that Mattel realizes how hated they are among parents and will not continue to sell them. Even if they do I will never buy one or let one in my house. It is a horrible toy that teaches young girls that they need to be sexy and waer really bad make-up. They even have matching bras and underwear for seven year olds. If any one is saying it a training bra give me a break.I personally with help my daughter vaule herself for thing that are important like her personality and her grades. Not how 'hot ' she is and what clothes she is in. that is a well paved road to a lot of problems depression, anxiety,and low self esteem. My favorite quote from the the article "Fast Times" by Deborah Swaney she is talking about how instead of buying a bra foe her seven year old she signed her up for soccer and was out cheering for her when she made her first goal"that , not a bra, is the kind of support young girls really need". i love it


Carianne said...

lol.. love it.. I too was happy to see Bratz dolls leaving our shelves... hopefully

Heather said...

I hadn't heard that!

Lisa said...

AMEN! Thanks for the post... I had not yet heard the outcome!

Silly Teacher said...

Good post. Don't even get me started on the oversexualization of elementary age students. I think I read that same article. YOu should read this book by Ariel Levy, it's called Female Chauvinist Pigs, the rise of raunch culture...it addresses all of your concerns..and really depressing

Unknown said...

Yeah!! I hate the bratz dolls. We will never allow them in our house either.