Friday, January 9, 2009

i'm a slacker

I have been really slacking on the blogging. I have just been really busy over the and really not feeling like blogging. I am feeling kinda sluggish and a little down. On top of that I got a talking to by our marriage counselor because I am such a horrible wife because my husband does dishes.t "I just could not understand why he does your dishes" she says. You don't see her talking about how I make his dinner,lunch and how I do his laundry. She just totally wrote of anything I tried to say to defend myself and prove that don't sit and eat potato chips and watch Gilmore Girls reruns while he slaves away in the kitchen. I tried to tell her that I am there cleaning right next to him doing the rest of the kitchen. She doesn't even acknowledge that I spoke. She also told my husband that it seems to her that he is spending all his time fulfilling my needs for domestic support and ignoring his own needs. Did I mention that my honey gets to do whatever he wants after the girls go to bed which is between eight and seven. I also get told that her mom had nine kids and got a pampered herself up everyday for her husband so I should be able to also. Well that means she had built in babysitters me on the other hand I have a baby that doe not like to be alone and another that like that have pillow fights with her little sister.The really frustrating thing is that my husband has no complaints about any of these things. So she is just sitting there attacking me about things that neither of us in this relationship has a complaint about. He is happy to help my with the cleaning in the evening cause he knows how hard it is to have to babies so close together. We came up with this system together. We sat down together and talked about it. The fact I don't get a lot of time to myself and the cleaning I do is shortly undone but I still do my best. I feel that she is one of those that sees in the proclamation to the family the imaginary line of and it is the wife sole responsibility to clean the house and do everything by herself. Anyway I am still upset at how she treated me and I do not want to do any "sharing" right now so Jason will be going by himself tomorrow. I just really don't feel like going to see someone who is getting paid to listen to me but won't. She just makes judgment me and how wrong our marriage roles are even though we are both happy with them. Whatever.


Carianne said...

Wow.. nice rant. Impressive and for the record.. It's a go dthing she's not our counselor. I would be on the bad list for having a hubby who does my dishes too!

Heather said...

Find a new counselor if you guys aren't happy with her.

Lisa said...

Find a new counselor. Therapy totally works if you find a counselor that actually listens. Apparently becoming a therapist does not require a listening test. :) when I was going to therapy after my mom past I went through a hand full of therapists before I felt secure and happy with my choice. It was not until then that I made progress in the therapy. Both of you should feel good with the therapist.Don't worry. You are not alone in this and for the record I loved this rant! :)

Brigette-boo said...

Therapist only work if they fit you and your situation, plus you don't need some one that could possible come in between you and your husband. Good luck! your doing wonderful and you know it... and if He is so willing to help that is only good for you and him, So don't worry! your doing great!