Friday, February 13, 2009

baby exploring

I just thought it would be funny to share the thing my girls are doing these days.
1.Kyla enjoys doing things with her eyes closed. Eating, walking, picking things up.
2. Kyla has become obsessed with her belly and with Ammie's belly also.
3. Ammie enjoys her new special attack. She charges, opens her mouth and places it on your face and then she stays there till you move.
4.Kyla enjoys shutting herself in closets and the pantry. She knocks one the door when she wants out.
5.Kyla enjoys spending the mornings with her sister in her crib. I have moved everything away from the crib so apparently she can climb up the bars.
6. Ammie really enjoys giving her big sister kisses. That is when she smiles the biggest.
7. Kyla really likes the moon. Every time we go out side she will search for it and call for it. We are learning the difference between the moon and stars, and also blinking plane lights.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

too cute! Jack is obsessed with his tummy too-- he pushes it out and sucks it in! how funny! Jack too is obsessed with the MOON! I devoted an entire post about his fascination. too we have a destined couple on our hands???? :)I love this stage and your two angels are just too dang adorable!