Monday, March 2, 2009

number three?

For the pastcouple months I have been having this nagging feeling like we are missing a member of our family.A little boy to be exact. Despite all of the odds and things that are against us the feeling keeps comeing back of having a third baby. A new baby would cost more money and mean more hospital bills. That makes you nervous in this economy. We would need to buy a van. We will own our sonata in a few months so that money will be freed up but still vans are more expensive than cars. How would I handle the stress of having three in four years. That is a lot of stress to have a three year old, two year old, and a new born. That would be wow. We would for sure be done though. Regardless if we had another girl or a boy. The really big thing though is the money. Worrying about having enough. At the same time though its not like I'm octomom just popping the out with no way to care for them.It would just be tight. I just feel it though and I try to make it go away but it always comes back. Three is a good number of kids. I think so anyway and I worry about our last baby being to far from the older two and being lonely. Then there is Jason going back to school this fall and so that is a factor too. On the other hand though I don't want to be one of thoes people that puts off having kids that I want just because I can't buy them designer clothes and have everything be perfect.I don't know it is soething that willjust take time for us to decide ad see how things go.


Carianne said...

wooo hooo.... soon baby judd #3~I hope its a boy, but woudl a girl be so bad?.. I mean your girls are so cute!

Melissa said...

well we haven't decided for sure yet when we talk about it we say if. If we have a third baby we need a new car. If we have a third baby we will need our stuff back from Raggy and bob when they are done.We want one but are hesitant about it.

Brigette-boo said...

don't worry about number 3...if thats what you feel is the right will all work out! we were amazed at how the impossible happened- when it seemed like there was no way we could make it work. the lord opens doors when you are taking care of his little ones.

Lisa said...

ohh I know this feeling way to good. It doesn't help when EVERYONE is preggo right now. I have these same feelings maybe not as strong as yours though. I think mine is more of the clock is ticking feeling. :D Every cost increases with three. A bigger place, a bigger vehicle, and not to mention all other additional costs from having a baby and with these economic factors it is only smart to think seriously and ponder about what the Lord wants us to do. So hard to know. I know you guys will do what is right, and everything will work out for the best. :D