Thursday, February 26, 2009

ok so not fair

Jason and I have our jogging stroller now. We had been jogging for a week when we weighed ourselves and the results: he lost ten pounds and I gained one. What the @#$%. My run /walk route is about 3 miles that is not to shabby.Why Why its so not fair.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I know. I swear it makes me so mad. Maybe you are like me and you gain muscle before you lose fat. If so you will probably continue to gain weight and then start to loose it. I always gain 5-10 pounds before I start loosing it and it makes me soooo MAD! But that is just what my body matter what. so I have to deal with it. So if you are like me, at least you know you have a buddy that has the same body type. :D Sorry! I have learned to counteract this and take out ALL carbs for my first couple weeks of my new work-out routine. It seems to help me only gain a few pounds. If you learn a trick pass it along!