Tuesday, February 10, 2009

14 kids stop the presses

OK, I'm sure you have all heard about the lady that recently gave birth to octuplets. Yes i will agree that it is not the best thing that she was trying to have seven children when she is single mother and has not finished school but, I am so freaking sick of people clamoring for all of the children to be taken away, give me a break. Like I said I agree that this path was not the most realistic one to follow. She has already said that she was not meaning to have 14 children. Then on top of that she had the option to abort them but she didn't which considering my beliefs I am glad for that. I just think that it is so silly that everyone is proclaiming how horrible of a parent she is when no one has even observed her with her children or even allowed herto have a chance. To me is seems like everyone just wants to jump on the band wagon of telling her how irresponsible she is. Ok well we know that but now what? We can probably count on the facts that huggies won't be giving her any freebies. Lets face it she is not very popular and they can't be associating themselves with that. They are no Jon and Kate. So she has fourteen children 10 of them under two. She will not be getting any help no custom made strollers for her. She has not finished school so at the moment she can not afford them. She is filling an emotional gap from her childhood with well children. So....... we are all going to sit here and pass judgment. Oh good job you are all so productive and oh so smart. I think people should one mind their own business and wait till something happens before they open their mouths.The media just doesn't have anything better to ropert on apparently then that a women has 14 kids. Wow I'm really sure there is nothing going on in the world that is more important than some woman is going to have a really tought time raiseing kids.Like, I don't know how about a war.The 2 million women and children are being traded as sex slaves around the world. How about the problem on reservations of rapist never being reported.The victims know nothing will ever be done because the American Indian goverments and the Federal goverment are unable to communicate properly about what cases are whos jurisdiction. How about the entire African Continent and the worlds well not really giving a crap about the thousands of people being murdered everyday. No no a women had 14 kids stop the presses. Stupid People can't find anything better to be outraged about.


Carianne said...

WELL Said... While I obviously disagree about the poor decision.. can we move on and let her face her own frustrations... I am sure many will come with 14 kids.

Brigette-boo said...

I wish they would spend much much more time on real issues! I think we should start our own network.

Lisa said...

personally, I am more worried about the precedence that this may create in our social laws. Everyone seems so outraged and loving socialism these days....couldn't you see some kind of a public outcry for limitations on family sizes within certain age groups? (Or maybe fertility clinic limitations.) That is the last thing we need is government making MORE decisions for us! Of course I am frustrated at the liberal media that does not care about the real issues, and lets face it...they don't really care about the welfare of those babies. The media just knows what types of news stories get ratings and repeat the same news story over and over.