Friday, November 14, 2008

Candy Nails

It is pretty rare that I paint my nails these days.Its not hard finding the time to do it but it is hard to find the time to let them dry. I'm usually picking up babies, cleaning or making food. I"m not about to let one of my kids cry because i need to let my nails finish drying. By the time Jason is home and we have the girls in bed I have forgotten that I wanted to ever do my nails in the first place. You really know it has been a long time though when you finally paint them and your 18 month old thinks they are candy. I painted my nails a cute watermelon pink. The next morning when Kyla saw them she kept trying to pick them up and eat them. She would also lick them periodically. It didn't take her very long to realize I wasn't going to let her bit my nails.


Carianne said...

How funny... yeah you definitely need to be painting your nails more.. nails make or break an outfit.. which is sadly why my own outfits have been broken awhile as well!.. Give your girls hugs for me.

Lisa said...

now that is hilarious!

Heather said...

Yum, watermelon candy. I have a pic of amourae I'll send you. It's my favorite.

Brigette-boo said...

That is awesome! I think you can get flavored nail polish...maybe not a good ides in your house! =)