Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The perfect doll

I am on a hunt for the perfect doll for Kyla. I have already spent hours looking for one that I think Kyla will like. I don"t want the cheapest one out there but, I will never spend 80 or even 50 dollars on a doll for a 18 month old. I am one step to giving in and just buying a set at Costco and hide the stroller and accessories since she is not two yet and that is the age recommendation. Also Jason and I have a suspicion that she would try to climb in herself.


Heather said...

Brynnlee got her first stroller her 2nd christmas. Brynns climbed in and out of hers and it's still working. Give in, give in!!

Lisa said...

You will know the perfect doll when you see it! Hang in there!

Brigette-boo said...

We got Olivia a doll and stroller at 18 months...she loved it! it was awesome! You'll know when you find it, I agree...the only doll Olivia EVER loved was a care bear water baby that we never put water in because it made it to heavy. but it was the perfect size and she could get it wet in the bath with her.