Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Yay Cookies

On Tuesday I decided to make chocolate chip cookies for Jason because they are his favorite (and not to mention the only cookie he likes). I decided to have Kyla help make them. She helped me stir them with the wooden spoon along with a teaspoon in her left hand. When we were done mixing she turned her attention to her teaspoon while I measured the chocolate chips out of our Costco chocolate chip bag. When I poured the chocolate chips into the bowl Kyla let loose a little gasp of amazement, that chocolate was falling from the sky. She very quickly and very dainty started picking up the chips one by one before they had a chance to disappear. It was so adorable.


Heather said...

What a cute girl, and a special moment. I'm amazed at how much Brynns loves to help in the kitchen. Hope it lasts.

Lisa said...

How adorable! I love how you have a little chef too. (That is what Alex calls himself when we cook together and I am big chef.)