Wednesday, October 29, 2008

If you are a natural born citizen, what are you hiding?

I'm not a anti Obama person, but this does raise some eyebrows as to what is going on. Why won't he just show a birth certificate? There are suddenly so many things that he has lied about and I don't know why.


On Tuesday, I spent the day with Kristen, my sister in law, sewing my car seat cover. It was really stressful considering both my girls were really tired, so they were not on their best behavior. I finished what I needed to, and then I was going to continue working at my house. Jason came and picked up the girls to take them off my hands . I needed to make a trip to the store to buy some supplies and then I came home. Jason and I spent the evening watching Heroes then we started getting ready for bed . I was in the bathroom when Jason quick jumps out of bed and comes into the bathroom and says "Happy Anniversary, hun!" We had both forgotten that it was our Anniversary until out friend Shawn texted Jason a happy Anniversary message. We had just gotten so busy that we both didn't realize that it was the 27th already. Happy second Anniversary hun!

173 lbs

So, for my two week weigh-in I now weigh 173, so that means I have lost 7 pounds! Sweet!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Crafty Miss Mafty

I am so excited about a project I have. It is a cover for our "baby carrier" car seat. You tie it to the handles and then your baby doesn't get windblown. I went with my sister in law Kristen and picked out the fabric cause she tried explaining it all to me, but it all just went over my head so I was so happy she was willing to go with me. I am so excited about it cause I will actually make something that is cute and I will be proud of it and I can post pictures! It's going to be so cute! I don't know how long it will take to finish, but I think it would be so cool to have it finished by this weekend so I can show it off. All of my family will be in town cause my beautiful sister Alicia is getting married. - Oh, so exciting!

You like me! You really like me!

I received a call yesterday from my best cousin asking me why I haven't posted anything in a while. Well, I must confess that I like having pictures to go along with my stories and I filled up my camera taping Amourae growling. Yup, she growls. I'm sorry that it has been a while, but I have been busy and pictureless.

Friday, October 17, 2008


I have some bananas that need to be used. Does anyone have any ideas besides banana bread? Edible or not, I just don't want to throw them away. If you do, please let me know.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Quick, I don't know what to do! Where is a celebrity!??

Jason and I love the show Heroes, but I'm so annoyed and wishing that they kill off Claire the cheerleader. Hayden Panettiere has a mock endorsement for John McCain where she truly shows of her immaturity, lack of respect, and the lack of an ability to be funny. Her overconfidence shows through with the opening line being "I know I'm hot enough to hold your attention for at least thirty seconds". Does she realize as soon as she leaves heroes it will be "Hayden who"? Well , I guess she doesn't. She couples voting for McCain with smoking and not wearing a seat belt and just to prove how mature she is, she drops the F-bomb about three times. Wow, Hayden! You are one classy girl! Actors should really stick to what I pay them to do, entertain me, not to give me their political opinion. So to Hayden and other celebrities that think the world needs them to tell us what to do (cause if you're not famous like them you are an idiot and can't think for yourself ), I say, "SHUT UP already!"

Every one smoke if you vote for McCain!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Her first solid food

Ammie's first cereal. She is getting so big.

Just like her daddy!

So my hubby Jason has been known to create some interesting food combinations, like a potato salad burger and things of that sort. Here is Kyla and her combination of taco soup and what she did when she got a hold of some pop corn that we were snacking on earlier. Just like her daddy!

The problem, and a plan.

I am now on my quest to achieve my pre-baby weight. I have also decided to keep up my progress on my blog cause I think it will help me stick to it, knowing that someone will be reading and knowing if I'm slacking or quit. My pre-baby weight was about 156. I lost 10 pounds during the beginning of being pregnant cause I was not able to keep any food down. I more than recovered after the morning sickness stage by gaining 60 ( ya that's right) pounds up until Kyla was born so that put me at about 226. In the following three months before we got pregnant again, I went down to 185. This time around, I lost about 15 pounds (I think) in the beginning months. The day I delivered I was 206 which was better than the last time. Then, I got down to about 192, and I was fine with that for the time being since I am nursing and I can't cut calories. But, I noticed this morning that my jeans fit a bit snug. It bothered me all morning. So, after dinner I went to the bathroom and hopped on the scale. Yup, I gained weight. 8 pounds to be exact. So that puts me at 200. After the weight roller coaster of being pregnant for 20 months (almost continuously) I'm ready to have some stability. Now my resolve is to get back down to 150.
I'll start with exercise and being more conscious of what I eat, but until i put Amourae totally on formula, I will not be able to cut calories. Right now I have a DVD that has exercises for women who have had children. I am going to do that and get up at 6:30 so that I can hopefully finish before the girls wake up. I'm thinking I will do posts of my actual weight so I can be accountable and also if I run into slumps I can get advice and encouragement on how I can do better. I might even post "before and after" pictures so I can see the difference. I don't know. Let me know what you think about that one. I'm hoping that I will have everyones support to help keep me motivated. I'm not sure if I should do a weigh in every two weeks or once a month. The purpose of doing it as soon as every two weeks would be to assist in keeping me vigilant. For now, I think that is what I will do unless any one has any other ideas.
OK. Starting weight 200 lbs. Wish me luck!

P.S. If any one has any advice, tips, or encouragement, speak up!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Little Miss Independent

Along with our new calling, Kyla gets to go to nursery two months earlier than normal. After Sacrament Meeting, we went on our quest to find which nursery she would be in (there are 4 of them in our Ward), and each time we went into a class and found out it wasn't the one we were supposed to be in, Kyla got very upset because she would see the toys and want to play with them. At this point, she had been deprived all during sacrament cause we don't let her run around. We require her to sit on our lap or the bench with us and play quietly. So, by now she was very upset cause she thought she was not being allowed to run around and play still and she had had enough. Finally, we found the right nursery. She didn't even care we had left because she was so delighted with the toys - which doesn't surprise me at all. She is very independent and confident. That is how we raised her to be, and we take pride in that fact. But, part of you wants her to be sad when you are gone. Jason went to check on her and her reaction was kind of a "Hey dad! You're here. Cool, you're leaving. OK, see ya later!" When it comes down to it, though, I'm glad that she functions well without me cause that is the purpose; for them to some day not need you to function. We just got a jump start on things.

Our New Callings

Our new ward is awesome to say the least. More people spoke to us in our first week of being there than in the entire year we were at our previous ward. When we had our meeting with our new bishop, he had told us there were three calling we had been requested for already but he had not yet decided which one we would be called to yet. We went home wondering what the callings were and which one would be ours. Thoughts of nursery were brought to my mind and not only having to take care of my own 16 month old and 4 month old but 6 extras. Luckily, this morning we are meeting with our bishop, so I only had to worry for about two weeks. We got the news that we will be the CTR 7 B teachers. Thank goodness no nursery! We hopped right into our calling and met our kids this morning and started practicing for the primary program next week. I believe that Jason and I will enjoy this calling. They are really nice kids, and right now there are only four of them .

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Little Moments

Yesterday, Jason and I were driving home from IKEA (the happiest place on earth). I had one of those moments were you stop and look at your life from the outside, and I realized how awesome my life is. I'm listening to Jason talk about our shelves that we are putting in our bathroom and I'm just watching him and I can't help but smile. His hair is sticking up a bit in the back and he is smiling and excited about the shelves. I can't help but realize how lucky I am that he chose me to be his forever friend. Out of all the girls he dated, he picked me. Its a humble feeling that makes my eyes water whenever I think about it. I teared up just writing that sentence. I have a husband that is so wonderful and supportive and loves me for being me. How simple a thing yet the most precious. How lucky am I! A loving husband, two adorable daughters, our first home, and so many other things that I will never be able to list them all. Anyway, I just needed to announce to the world how I feel cause I don't ever want to take for granted all the things I have.

Better Late than Never!

So, I kinda skipped my introduction of my blog for my first post, but better late than never I guess. Well, I'm here following my family's lead of having a blog . The convenience of being able to let everyone know what is going on without out having to call every last person in my phone book . I see how nice it is that I get to be connected with my family even though some of them are hundreds of miles away and I really do appreciate it. Hearing all of the funny stories and seeing the personalities of my nephews and nieces develop . So, I decided to do the same and allow everyone to get to know my family just a little bit better and see the chaos that comes with having two babies that are a year apart, a hilarious husband, and two friends that are renting part of our house. Yup, we have a full house and I'm sure things are about to get interesting. So keep checking in and we will see how things go.

Oh, and if you were curious - the picture is of me in the hospital before we had Amourae.