Thursday, October 9, 2008

Better Late than Never!

So, I kinda skipped my introduction of my blog for my first post, but better late than never I guess. Well, I'm here following my family's lead of having a blog . The convenience of being able to let everyone know what is going on without out having to call every last person in my phone book . I see how nice it is that I get to be connected with my family even though some of them are hundreds of miles away and I really do appreciate it. Hearing all of the funny stories and seeing the personalities of my nephews and nieces develop . So, I decided to do the same and allow everyone to get to know my family just a little bit better and see the chaos that comes with having two babies that are a year apart, a hilarious husband, and two friends that are renting part of our house. Yup, we have a full house and I'm sure things are about to get interesting. So keep checking in and we will see how things go.

Oh, and if you were curious - the picture is of me in the hospital before we had Amourae.

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