Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The problem, and a plan.

I am now on my quest to achieve my pre-baby weight. I have also decided to keep up my progress on my blog cause I think it will help me stick to it, knowing that someone will be reading and knowing if I'm slacking or quit. My pre-baby weight was about 156. I lost 10 pounds during the beginning of being pregnant cause I was not able to keep any food down. I more than recovered after the morning sickness stage by gaining 60 ( ya that's right) pounds up until Kyla was born so that put me at about 226. In the following three months before we got pregnant again, I went down to 185. This time around, I lost about 15 pounds (I think) in the beginning months. The day I delivered I was 206 which was better than the last time. Then, I got down to about 192, and I was fine with that for the time being since I am nursing and I can't cut calories. But, I noticed this morning that my jeans fit a bit snug. It bothered me all morning. So, after dinner I went to the bathroom and hopped on the scale. Yup, I gained weight. 8 pounds to be exact. So that puts me at 200. After the weight roller coaster of being pregnant for 20 months (almost continuously) I'm ready to have some stability. Now my resolve is to get back down to 150.
I'll start with exercise and being more conscious of what I eat, but until i put Amourae totally on formula, I will not be able to cut calories. Right now I have a DVD that has exercises for women who have had children. I am going to do that and get up at 6:30 so that I can hopefully finish before the girls wake up. I'm thinking I will do posts of my actual weight so I can be accountable and also if I run into slumps I can get advice and encouragement on how I can do better. I might even post "before and after" pictures so I can see the difference. I don't know. Let me know what you think about that one. I'm hoping that I will have everyones support to help keep me motivated. I'm not sure if I should do a weigh in every two weeks or once a month. The purpose of doing it as soon as every two weeks would be to assist in keeping me vigilant. For now, I think that is what I will do unless any one has any other ideas.
OK. Starting weight 200 lbs. Wish me luck!

P.S. If any one has any advice, tips, or encouragement, speak up!


Shamrockgirl said...

it sounds like you have all the elements for losing the baby weight - you just have to stick with it! good luck!

Carianne said...

Wow... you are my inspiration! Since I have had my leg issues I have not been able to exercise, but AS SOOn as it is fixed.. you bet I will be working along side you to kick off some weight.. its liek i told my friend last week. " my goal is not to be the skinniest on the beach next summer, but the most confident!"

Heather said...

Good luck, consistency is the key.